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Export of Products

Export of REKREACIYa products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All REKREACIYa products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant REKREACIYa: outdoor exercise equipment, sports complexes, workshops, swings, slides, sandboxes, nets, cable cars, playgrounds, balancers, houses, urns, benches, canopies, bike parks, mini stands, football gates, streetball stands, basketball rings
  • Outdoor exercise equipment REKREACIYa
    Outdoor exercise equipment
    bars on a pole, twist, etc.
  • Exercise machines for teenagers REKREACIYa
    Exercise machines for teenagers
    butterfly, biceps, etc.
  • Outdoor exercise equipment REKREACIYa
    Outdoor exercise equipment
    bars on a pole, twist, etc.
  • Exercise machines for teenagers REKREACIYa
    Exercise machines for teenagers
    butterfly, biceps, etc.
  • Outdoor children's exercise equipment REKREACIYa
    Outdoor children's exercise equipment
    veloorbitrek, velopress, etc.
  • Outdoor children's exercise equipment REKREACIYa
    Outdoor children's exercise equipment
    veloorbitrek, velopress, etc.
  • Equipment for people with limited mobility. REKREACIYa
    Equipment for people with limited mobility.
    bars, handlebars, mini-skis, etc.
  • Game sports  REKREACIYa
    Game sports
    mini-football gates, etc.
  • Bike parks REKREACIYa
    Bike parks
    bicycle parking No. 1, etc.
  • Economy simulators REKREACIYa
    Economy simulators
    pendulum, twine, skorokhod, etc.
  • Playgrounds for children REKREACIYa
    Playgrounds for children
    swing-balancer, sandbox, etc.
  • Sports complexes REKREACIYa
    Sports complexes
    the Zig-zag maze, etc.
  • Benches REKREACIYa
    bench No. 4, bench No. 5, etc.
  • Workshops REKREACIYa
    children's horizontal bar, posts, etc.
  • Economy simulators REKREACIYa
    Economy simulators
    pendulum, twine, skorokhod, etc.
  • Playgrounds for children REKREACIYa
    Playgrounds for children
    swing-balancer, sandbox, etc.
  • Benches REKREACIYa
    bench No. 4, bench No. 5, etc.
  • Stands and canopies REKREACIYa
    Stands and canopies
    information stand No. 1, etc.


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